Nutrition info. Inspiration. Exercise. Ye baby!
God-Built Motivate/Inspire- You can because HE says you can! You see yourself the way HE sees you. the Word says Jesus looked and “saw” Himself in the Word! “SEE” who you are in Him, in The Word. Nutrition- Add in good sources of Fat into your everyday diet: Fish, Avocado, Eggs, Whole dairy, nuts, seeds,…
Health & Life info for you. It works!
GB Motivate/Inspire- No matter how old you are, or how old you “feel”, you can do something positive starting now to take control of your health and life. And when you do that something consistently, you will be glad for it. GB Nutrition- Eat some meat, veggies, fruits, cut back on the grains, drink mostly…
A Main Reason why we fail at our goals.
GB DW- Movement Stretches x 9. Max Reps in 1 min of each exercise, rest 30 seconds between exercises: Squats, Pushups, Burpee, Run/JRope Nutrition- As you Choose to consistently eat healthier, it doesnt necessarily get “easy”, but it does become easier to make that correct choice. So dont just go into “eating healthy” assuming one…
What do you do when you dont “Feel” like it?!
GB DW(daily workout)- 15 x squats, pushups, supercrunch. 4 rds for best time: 10 power cleans, 10 overhead press Nutrition- When you eat “Clean” you usually can eat A Lot and still lose bodyfat!! Motivation/Inspiration- I had the opportunity to share with a great young man this morning. One of the main things we talked…
Simple, Delicious, Full of Nutrients! + who/what is controlling your mouth?!!
GB DW- Movement Stretches x 10. For Best Time: 20/40 x each, squat, pushup, walkn lunge, situp, db swing, pushup shoulder stand Nutrition- Check out the pic above. That is a meal I had for dinner the other night: Eggs, Avocado! Delicious, SIMPLE, and full of “good for you” nutrients. Motivation/Inspiration- Do NOT let your…
Nutritious & Delicious “Date Night” Meal. **Ask Big. Expect Big.
GB DW- Movement Stretches x 10. For 9 minutes go as far as you can: 1,2,3,4,…. Burpee, Walkn Lunge (r,l=1) Nutrition- Check out the pic above! This is an awesome “date night” dinner LeAnne cooked for us this week. Man it was delicious and pretty darn Nutritious!! Motivation/Inspiration- I know I say this a lot,…
My “public” Happy Anniversary to my Wife! + Good Health & Life tips
**Happy Anniversary to my Beautiful, Amazing, Hot, Wonderful, Proverbs 31 Woman! Today, we have been married 18 years. And I am very Thankful to the Good Lord for blessing me with my wife. It was and is quite unfair that I was the one chosen to be blessed with her, but hey I am glad…
Where does “Taste” come into play in a good Diet?
GB DW- Movement Stretches x 10. Max DB Swings 4 minutes. Nutrition- TASTE can be a factor when choosing foods for Better Health. It (Taste) just should not be your #1 factor in most cases. Your #1 Factor in choosing foods for better health should simply be “Is this food going to Benefit me in…
Absolute Best way to “Get Started” with your Health/Fitness Plans.
GB DW- 11 x squats, pushups, supercrunch. 4 rds: 11 squat jumps, 11 pushup leg tucks Nutrition- Just because you are “eating less” does not mean that you will automatically Lose Weight! Sometimes you have to eat MORE! Motivation/Inspiration- JUST START! That is your word for the day! I heard my pastor say this on…