Happy 4th! Eat, Play have Fun!
GB DWs (daily workouts) Choose 2-4 workouts over the long JULY 4TH Weekend!!!: 1. Walk / Run 10+ minutes 2. 50 / 100 reps each- squat, pushup, w. lunge, supercrunch 3. Movement stretches x 8 each, Max DB Swings n 5 minutes 4. For 7 minutes go as high as you can ascending from 1…
Midnight Snacks. Healthy or Not?
GB DW (daily workout) Fast Walk / Jog 4 minutes 30 / 50 / 70 Pushup Leg Tucks Midnight Snacks, as the boys call them, are some of the most important meals you can have. One of the main reasons for this is because this is the time, late at night, when many people claim…
What HE is doing INside YOU! Like a Lion, baby!
GB DWs Choose 2-3 for the Weekend! 1. Walk/Run/Bike for 15+ minutes 2. Max Burpees n 7 min! 3. Movement Stretches x 8 each, 20 squats, 20 pushups, 20 leg tucks, then 50 Power Cleans (db or bb) Good pic here of some of our young GB athletes doing some Hang Clean & Press. They…
GB DW (daily workout) 20 each – squats, pushups, situps 10 min max number reps “ascending” of pushups, situps : Perform 1 pushup then 1 situp. then do 2 pushups and 2 situps. keep going “up” for the max number of reps you can do in 10 minutes You may remember this pic that I have…
4 Tips for Eating Out
GB DW (daily workout) Max Jump Rope / Air jumps n 6 minutes Check out 3 of our Sports Performance athletes doing some 1 ARM ALT. DB SNATCHES in one of our workouts this week. All 3 of them have a pretty good looking “setup”, or starting “Pull” Stance as we call it. Keep it…
Updated Pic of KJ’s recommended Nutrit Bars
GB DW (daily workout) 50 Jumping Jacks / Jump Rope, 10 Squats, 10 Pushups, 10 Situps Max Reps n 1 min of each Exercise. Rest 30 seconds between each exercise: Squats, Pushups, Situps, Pushup Leg Tucks Here is a good pic of some of my favorite Nutrition Bars. As you have probably heard me say…
Personal Training AVAILABLE!
GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 7 each 4 rounds for fastest time: 20 db swings, 20 xcrunch, 20 Jumping Jacks / Power Jacks Check out some of the kids from our Game Shape camps. We had camps for the last 2 weeks and the kids had a blast! Our coaches, Coach Jen and…
Workouts and Encouragement for Your Weekend!
GB DWs for Weekend Perform 2-3 of the following Workouts: 1. Walk / Run 12 minutes 2. Movement Stretches x 8 each, 100 Walking Lunges, 100 Situps 3. 15 Squat, 15 Pushup, 15 Xrunch, 50 Burpees for fastest Time The pic is from 2 years ago at the Beach. We are still a few weeks…
More Summertime tips for Improved Health
GB DW (daily workout) 10 Pushup Shoulder Stand, 10 Squats, 10 Situps Max Pushup Leg Tucks n 4 minutes Check out me and the boys riding the tube! Summertime fun is, FUN! Remember to use the Summertime to Motivate you to improve your health and to make extra effort to Get Moving! I know it…
Load up on Summertime Vegetables for better health!
GB DW (daily workout) 2 Minute Walk / Run, 1 Minute Max Squats, 1 Minute Max Pushups, 1 Minute Max Situps, 1 Minute Max Burpees, 2 Minute Run Summer Time Vegetables! Summer Time is a great time to get some extra “fresh” vegetables into your Eating plan. Just like the pic of my Turkey Roll…