Category: Uncategorized

  • Know THIS, and Excel in your Health and Life

    Know THIS, and Excel in your Health and Life

    GB DW 3 Minute Jog 10 x 100 meter Sprints w/ 45 seconds rest between each Sprint or 10-15 minute Jog Check out one of our new “young athletes” doing some Sled Pulls during one of his Speed Workouts!  Cool Pic. The MAIN Thing that is going to pull you through any adversity you may…

  • Be like Mamma. Mamma’s pic

    Be like Mamma.  Mamma’s pic

    Friends and neighbors I tell you what!  I am a blessed individual!  I was talking with a family member today about how blessed we were to have praying family members.  I know growing up and in my college years I surely did some stupid things.  IN the midst of it all I was protected and…

  • Dont wait, just GO!! the boys are growing

    Dont wait, just GO!!  the boys are growing

    Friends and neighbors IN any area of life, if you want to get to a certain point you are going to have to first of all GO.  Of course the faster and harder you go (as long as you are going in the right direction and doing the right things) the faster you will get…

  • some of my favorite LUNCH options

    Friends and neighbors As you probably know to some extent, your NUTRITION is vital to better health and performance.  I see many people start exercising and they do great, but they do not choose to get control of thier nutrition so they do not get near the positive results that they could get.  The faster…

  • YOUR SUCCESS TOOL – Get it today

    Friends and neighbors FINISH STRONG.  That is our goal for this great year, 2011.  Our goal is to help you to literally Finish Strong in your health and your life.  One of the biggest things for you to see and understand is that it only takes doing a few basic simple things consistently in order…

  • Facing Challenges, Is God “allowing” it?

    Friends and neighbors As I am sure you know, there are many people going through many challenges right now.  And you know what, there will always be challenges while we are here on this earth.  I know that I have been going through some challenges for some time now.  One thing I know for sure…