Author: KJ



    GB DWs Choose 1-2 for your weekend! Movement Stretches x 10 before each workout. 1. 50/100 x all: Squat Press (dbs or bb), XCrunch 2. 7-10 rds for Fastest Time: Run 100 yds, 20 Pushups HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!  This is another pic of The Johnson’s loaded up for the July 4th Parade.  I believe…

  • KJ’s Politically INcorrect Views for today

    KJ’s Politically INcorrect Views for today

    GB DW 20 x squat, pushup, leg tucks Max Reps n 4 min: Pushup Rows This pic is from 2 years ago I think.  We were all loaded up for the big Fourth of JULY parade.  We always love going to the parade on July 4th, and we are already excited about our Independance Celebration…

  • New “lower” Sugar Nutrition Bars taste Great!

    New “lower” Sugar Nutrition Bars taste Great!

    GB DW (daily workout) 100 Jumpin / Power Jacks 50/100 Situps 100 Jumpin / Power Jacks This is a picture of the new Nutrition Bars I prefer now.  I have used the “Kind” brand for a while now, and have just started eating this particular kind the most over the last couple of months.  The main…

  • Take what is Right IN Front of You! That is Enuff!

    Take what is Right IN Front of You!  That is Enuff!

    GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 9 For 7+ min: Run / JRope / Bike / Swin / Row (choose 1 or any combination for the 7+ min) Check out Reid in the pic.  Reid has worked out with us here at God-Built for several years now.  This pic is from Saturday night at…

  • Weekend Health & Life Tips. For YOU!

    Weekend Health & Life Tips.  For YOU!

    GB DWs (daily workouts) Choose 1-2 for Weekend: 1. 12 x squat, pushup, leg tucks Max Burpees n 7 minutes 2. Movement Stretches x 8 10-15 110m sprints, rest 45 seconds between sprints.  *start at a 50% effort sprint and work up to a near max sprint for the last 4-6 sprints Check out this…

  • When does EXERCISING get EASY!!

    When does EXERCISING get EASY!!

    GB DW (daily workout) 100 / 200 Jumping Jacks 50 / 100 Squats This is a great pic of one of our GB Athletes doing some Snatches!  I got several good pics of our GB Athletes this morning and will share more of them with you later.  These kids work very hard, and we have…

  • The Power to Keep On Keeping ON!

    The Power to Keep On Keeping ON!

    GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 9 Max Reps in 2 minutes for each Exercise: DB Swing, JRope, Leg Tucks.  Rest 30 seconds between exercises Check out Joshua Paul doing some Box Jumps here at GB.  I think I have posted this pic up before, and just wanted to post it up again just…

  • God’s Best is always in THE plan for you and me!

    God’s Best is always in THE plan for you and me!

    GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 7 21, 19, 17, 15, 13, 11, 10, 9,…1  Squats, Pushups, Situps Do 21 squats, 21 pushups, 21 situps.  Then 19 of each.  Then 17 of each.  And so on until you finish with 1 rep of each.  *You can start at any number you choose if you…

  • Use the Potty, and dont forget to FLUSH!

    Use the Potty, and dont forget to FLUSH!

    GB DW (daily workout) 12 x squat, pushup, situp, walkn lunge 25/50 rt arm, 25/50 lft arm overhead walkn lunge Check out this “POTTY” I saw today sitting outside a building here in Carrollton.  Actually, this is something my mother in law (better known as NANA) came up with this and she uses it during her “Walking…

  • Use this tool that we believe God helped us to develop!

    Use this tool that we believe God helped us to develop!

    GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 8 3-5 rds: DB Swing x 13, I arm alt. Snatch x 13r, 13l, Leg Tuck x 13 Check out some of our youth GB Athletes doing some 1 LEG POWER HOPS.  As you have probably heard me talk about before, I love having our athletes do “1…