To Do List: Should You Use them?
GB DW (daily workouts) Choose 1-2 for Weekend: 1. Movement Stretches x 7 Max Rounds n 7 min of: 19 DB swings, 19 Pushups 2. 50 / 100 of all (in order you choose): Wlunges, Dips, Situps, Pull-ups/Bent-over Rows Check out the pic of Joshua Paul’s “to do list” I found up here at God-Built…
Choose that Thing that will get your butt up & MOVING!
GB DW (daily workout) 3 rds x 10 each – squats, pushup shoulder stand, supercrunch 1 min max reps of each exercise. rest 20 seconds between exercises – Squat Jumps, Pushup Leg Tucks, Situps, Power Clean & Press Check out David Ben doing some serious Exercising. The boys love to come up here to GB…
Do This with Exercise and MAKE BETTER IMPROVEMENTS
GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 10 50r, 50l Superman (either from a pushup position, on hands and knees, or on stability ball) 50/100 Squats Check out some of our GB athletes doing some Bag Carries! YOu may have seen this pic before, but I wanted to share it with you again to remind…
Easy, Cheap Option to get whole fruits & veggies
GB DWs (daily workouts) Choose 1-2 for Weekend: 1. Run / Bike / Walk for 10+ min 2. 10 Squats, 10 Pushups, 10 Leg Tucks, then Max Burpees n 7 min Check out the spread of Fruits and Vegetables that me and LeAnne brought home the other day. This is from the Central High School…
1 Nutrition Principle that can get you quick Results
GB DW (daily workout) Max Reps n 3 min of each Exercise. 30 seconds rest between each exercise: JRope/Run, Walkn Lunges, Leg Tucks Here is a pic of the Johnsons in one of our Jeep CJs from couple of years back. We like getting in a jeep and “messing around”! I am ready and excited…
Good Nutrition Tips
GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 8 10, 9, 8, 7, ….. 1 Squat, Pushup, Situp *do 10 squats, pushups, and situps, then do 9 of each, then 8, and so on until you finish at 1 rep each. Here is a pic of a good Dinner option. Basically you have a meat choice…
Mamma’s Blackboard- More great advice from Mamma!
GB DW (daily workout) 3 Min Jog / JRope / Run n place 3-5 rds of: 10 Burpee, 20 Walkn Lunge, 30 Xcrunch Check out the picture of Mamma’s black board that I saw this weekend while in Garfield. Now that says a whole lot right there. Mamma is one of the wisest, most loving,…
Helping Kids to Improve their Health, and LIVES!!
GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 8 10 Min Max work of: 5,10, 15, 20, 25,…. Pushup Leg Tuck, Walkn Lunges Check out some of our youth from the GB Game Shape after school workout program. We have been blessed to work with literally hundreds (I would imagine well into the thousands actually) of kids since 1996. …
One of the Best All Time Great Medicines!
GB DW (daily workout) 8 Min Walk / Run / JRope or 50 / 100 x Squat, Pushup, Super Crunch Check out the boys locked up in the cage with Lucy. Now the boys are the ones who did this, not me and LeAnne! For some reason they think this is fun and of course…
Good way to get more Whole Foods into your Diet
GB DW (daily workout) Movement stretches x 8 3-5 rds x 10 reps each exercise: Overhead walking lunge (r,l=1), Pushup LegTuck, XCrunch(r,l=1) Here in this pic is one of my favorite lunch options (turkey roll & avocado) with some fruit. This is a pretty healthy lunch, tastes great, and is very simple to make. On…