Author: KJ

  • SUMMER CAMPS – get your kids involved

    SUMMER CAMPS – get your kids involved

    This is me and the boys from a while back getting ready to practice some soccer.   I was looking through my pics and wanted something “sporty” as I am going to post some info about our SUMMER YOUTH CAMPS!  SUMMER YOUTH CAMPS  2012 GAME SHAPE CAMPS – Improve overall fitness and Performance for sports.  We…

  • The SANDBOX Building Plan for Life

    The SANDBOX Building Plan for Life

    I was looking through some pics last nite since I have gotten much response that yall love pics.  I found this one of me and the boys building a Sandbox.  I think it is great for many reasons.  One of which is just the pure “anticipation” they show, waiting to get in that sandbox and…

  • Pic of Kendra in Russia. “Carbless” Lasagna recipe

    Pic of Kendra in Russia.  “Carbless” Lasagna recipe

    Here is Kendra and Danny in Russia!  They are “touring” today and will be ministering at a pastor’s conference i think tomorrow.  From there they will be traveling to “remote’ villages and preaching the Gospel, the good news, the “almost too good to be true” news of Jesus Christ.  Yeh Baby!!  God’s blessings and annointing…

  • 40lb Weight Loss – How she “is doing” it!

    Friends and neighbors I have another great testimony here for you from a lady who follows us on and through email.  It is actually one of my wife’s good friends and co-workers.  And her story is one not of “quick” success, but of success through consistent actions and a persistence to keep on, even…

  • 5 Minute Workout Testimony – “i swear it makes me feel better”

    Friends and neighbors If you have kept up with and or been a part of what we are doing here at God-Built then you know well that we highly recommend short, high intensity (always relative to each individual) workouts, even if they are only 3 or 4 minutes long.  The main thing is to…

  • Another great Nutrition tip – and save some $$$

    Friends and neighbors I was eating some “left overs” yesterday and I was thinking about you.  I was thinking of how simple, and poweful of a “tip” that is: To eat “good quality” left overs.  I love have some good leftovers from the nite before.  And over the years this has been one of my…

  • HAPPY 14 YRS TO KJ n LJ – my awesome marriage

    HAPPY 14 YRS TO KJ n LJ – my awesome marriage

    Me and LeAnne May 2, 1998!!!  What a beautiful woman!!                Friends and neighbors 14 years ago today, me and my BEAUTIFUL WIFE LeAnne got married.  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO MY WIFE!!  Man what a truly awesome 14 years we have had.  I was sitting back today and recollecting the…

  • Me telling you the truth.

    Friends and neighbors Me, just telling you the truth about it.  That’s what is on my heart for some reason.  You know many times we look at certain people and think they have it all together just because they have a “leader” position, because they are “up on stage”, and or because of their financial…

  • My big boy BEHR! What are you thinking when eating?!

    My big boy BEHR!  What are you thinking when eating?!

    Friends and neighbors Here is a great Pic of Behr.  He was my first little boy and man what a good one.  He was the best dog I think anyone could ask for.  Me and him were pretty close and I sure do miss him.  Anyway, just run across this picture and wanted to share…

  • Growing or Dying?! Kendra on a cake????

    Growing or Dying?!  Kendra on a cake????

    This is a pic of Kendra and Danny that LeAnne had put on a cake for a “going away” party at the church last nite for them.  They are going to Russia on a ministry trip for the Gospel for 6 weeks.  Kendra is such a blessing for me, God-Built, and all of you who…