Author: KJ

  • Making Better Choices. boys at mountain PIC

    Making Better Choices.  boys at mountain PIC

    Here is a pic of the boys and Lucy at the mountain this past weekend.  We went over to let the boys, and Lucy, run and play.  We also went to get some rocks out of the creek for landscaping.  We all had a great time. You know, God is Good all the time.  That’s…

  • My Vegas trip!! I talked with that peddler

    My Vegas trip!!  I talked with that peddler

                    Me and LeAnne went to Vegas last week.  Pics above – Vegas lites and Water show at Bilogio (dont know how to spell it)  She had a conference out there and I went on Wednesday to join her.  She has been several times with work and has…

  • Need your help, Please Respond!!

    Friends and neighbors I was inspired to start my daily emails sometime ago.  then last year when we created a new website I start posting several times per week and adding it together with the emails.  My goals from the beginning were simply to: inform all God-Built clients of any updates; give great Exercise info;…

  • “Floating the River”: Reward is greater than cost

    “Floating the River”: Reward is greater than cost

    Friends and neighbors             This is a great pic from a River trip (same trip with “back flip” pics) that me and some friends went on.  If you have never been “floating” down the river in a canoe, then I highly recommend it.  It is a blast.  ANd it is…

  • Faith is worth little if…. How to get the results!

    Friends and neighbors I had the great opportunity to teach at our church yesterday!  What an honor and blessing.  The subject I taught on was “Faith and Works.”  The Word tells us in James that “faith without works is dead.”  Man this is so true.   “You, and I, will prove what we truly believe by…

  • My “PERFORMANCE WORKOUT”. Nother backflip pic!

    My “PERFORMANCE WORKOUT”.  Nother backflip pic!

    Friends and neighbors     I did my “performance workout” yesterday!  This was the workout I chose to do at the end of our GOD-BUILT 3 MONTH HEALTH CHALLENGE FOR CHARITY.  I had to delay it from last week because of a minor injury.  I actually contemplated just forgoing the workout completely because I knew…

  • Another “list”!! It works!! Pics of me and friend doing back flips

    Another “list”!!  It works!!  Pics of me and friend doing back flips

                Here is another one of those “Lists” for improvement.  And remember, all this is is a “list” of things that you can that will help you to take control of your health and life.  This is not the “answer”, only a list.  Actually and Factually, Jesus and what He…

  • How to stop worrying! oh you mean you can?!

    Friends and neighbors One of my friends said something very profound this morning.  He said that one of the main things he had learned from one of his favorite ministers was that you have to quickly “grab” yourself when you see that you are worrying and “cast it over onto the Lord.”  The Word clearly…

  • U Make it a great Spring! family pics

    U Make it a great Spring!  family pics

    Friends and neighbors Wow what a great Easter weekend.  Me and the family went to Garfield for the weekend.  We had a whole bunch of fun.  The boys got to fish, color and hunt easter eggs, and fish some more.  I went to Sonrise service Sunday morning with Mamma and that was pretty special.  This…

  • how long are you willing to Stand!

    Friends and neighbors ONe of my buddies told me something very powerful the other day.  He was quoting a minister by the name of Keith Moore, who is actually one of my favorite teachers of the Word.  Here is the quote: If you are prepared to stand for as long as it takes, it probably wont take long.  If…