Author: KJ

  • Thanksgiving Eating tips

    Friends and neighbors Thanksgiving is here, and I am excited.  I love holidays especially because of family time.  And THANKSGIVING is a huge one since the focus is on Thanks-giving.  So take time this week to be EXTRA THANKFUL for all your many blessings.  And on the note of Thanksgiving we all know that usually…

  • 5 Boys, good ground!

    Friends and neighbors Man what a weekend.  I had the extreme privilege to be part of a weekend camp for young men to teach them about living the “Zoe” life.  That basically is “life as God has it” and life as He intends for us to live it.  It was so powerful and the boys…

  • Why does he do what he do? Pure motives?!

    friends and neighbors I just got through talking with a good friend of mine and a client here at God-Built.  He is gifted in the arena of physical performance capabilities.  He is one of our top performers here.  His top attribute is not his physical abilities though.  His top characteristic is he is a true…

  • He has positively impacted thousands

    Friends and neighbors I had the blessing today to go visit for a while with a good friend of mine.  He is one of those men that just being around him challenges me to do better.  I am always encouraged when I am around him and literally tell myself everytime that I am going to do…

  • Staying Diligent. It pays off!

    Friends and neighbors I have been listening to a great c.d. teaching series by Keith Moore about Diligence.  He uses several scriptures to teach about the importance of staying diligent, working, and working consistently. It is actually a 14 disk series, and I am on disk 6 i believe.  Anyway today he was talking about…

  • YOUR SUCCESS TOOL – Get it today

    Friends and neighbors FINISH STRONG.  That is our goal for this great year, 2011.  Our goal is to help you to literally Finish Strong in your health and your life.  One of the biggest things for you to see and understand is that it only takes doing a few basic simple things consistently in order…

  • Complete the most important task first!

    Friends and neighbors I went back down to Garfield for a couple of days.  I had a great time and got a bunch down on the farm.  It was Mamma’s birthday so it was a great to be there with her.  I was doing a little yard work yesterday at home.  One of the things…


    Friends and neighbors I have something very exciting for you coming up that is going to help you a great deal in your FINISHing STRONG this year.  This is something that I will announce on Monday next week.  It will be a tool that is simple and easy to use and it will motivate, inform,…

  • What is that thing that brings life or death?

    Friends and neighbors It is absolutely amazing at how powerful your words are.  Your words can literally change someone’s whole day.  You can cut someone’s legs right out from under them with your words or you can lift someone up and enlighten their day with a few good words.  Most everyone realizes this but what…

  • Finish Strong-2 Simple Examples for you: Goal, Plan

    Friends and neighbors FINISH STRONG!! Yes, that is what we are going to do for these last 2 months of 2011.  One thing you can do to help yourself is to simply make a GOAL and then a PLAN to Finish Strong.  This would simply be writing down a few goals for health and or life…