Category: Daily Post

  • How long do you need to woller around in it?

    Friends and neighbors When you get knocked down, just get yourself right back up and get to going again!! We all make mistakes, take hard hits, and come up short sometimes.  But you know what?  Who cares?!  That is just part of life.  One thing that is common among very successful people in life is…

  • Everything happens for a reason.

    Friends and neighbors I have heard it said many times, and so have you in regards to bad things happening in people’s lives: “There is a reason for everything.”  And in most cases people are literally referring to the fact that they believe God is behind it and He purposed it to happen that way…

  • Let me speak the Truth. Who you are!

    Friends and neighbors Let me speak the TRUTH here, because this is what i know. Thru JESUS CHRIST you Are: More than a Conqueror; the Righteousness of God; given a spirit of Power, Love, and a Sound mind; not given a spirit of fear; able to do all things; able to Renew your mind; responsible…

  • Vitamin D – better find out the right “form”

    Friends and neighbors VITAMIN D.  There has been more and more research showing the powerful and life promoting effects of Vitamin D.  Much research is also showing that many people are deficient in this vitamin.  One of the reasons is because of the last 15+ years of people being told by authorities to stay out…

  • Just a “little more” can bring results desired!

    Friends and neighbors I was talking with someone this morning and they made a great point: “Many times the effort it takes to be “fully” committed vs. halfway or 3/4 committed is small.”  This is true in many cases.  ANd we all have been guilty of “trying” something to see if it works.  ANd when we…

  • My favorite food at Thanksgiving. STAND!!!

    Friends and neighbors Man oh man what a big Thanksgiving weekend we had.  Me and my family had a great time with each other and we had some great food.  I tell you what, that was some good eatin’ on Thanksgiving day.  Out of all the foods we had I took home for leftovers my…

  • Thanksgiving Eating tips

    Friends and neighbors Thanksgiving is here, and I am excited.  I love holidays especially because of family time.  And THANKSGIVING is a huge one since the focus is on Thanks-giving.  So take time this week to be EXTRA THANKFUL for all your many blessings.  And on the note of Thanksgiving we all know that usually…

  • 5 Boys, good ground!

    Friends and neighbors Man what a weekend.  I had the extreme privilege to be part of a weekend camp for young men to teach them about living the “Zoe” life.  That basically is “life as God has it” and life as He intends for us to live it.  It was so powerful and the boys…

  • Why does he do what he do? Pure motives?!

    friends and neighbors I just got through talking with a good friend of mine and a client here at God-Built.  He is gifted in the arena of physical performance capabilities.  He is one of our top performers here.  His top attribute is not his physical abilities though.  His top characteristic is he is a true…

  • He has positively impacted thousands

    Friends and neighbors I had the blessing today to go visit for a while with a good friend of mine.  He is one of those men that just being around him challenges me to do better.  I am always encouraged when I am around him and literally tell myself everytime that I am going to do…