After 21 years of coaching, Still Learning the Best Way to Improve Health
I am studying more recently about how the following has a powerful impact on our health: LOVE; Thoughts; and Words. This is nothing new for us here at God-Built, yet it is still extremely enlightening to see all the research and evidence. Here at God-Built we have been teaching the importance of these as it…
2017. How to make it a great one, for YOU!
Happy New Year!! Ye baby 2017 is going to be the best year yet for me, my family, and God-Built! One of the most important things you can do right now is to go ahead and declare what I just said, or something else very positive and Confident about this year, 2017, for you personally. Do…
CHRISTmas! It was a great one this year. But it could have easily not been a very good one.
Wow what an awesome Christmas!! This Christmas was awesome. The Johnson’s had a big one. Me, LeAnne, and the boys really had a great Christmas this year. It was a great time to be had by all. One of the things I am most grateful for is that even though it could have been a…
Spirit, Soul, Body approach to Health
Spirit, Soul, Body approach to Health. The above “approach” to health is what we here at God-Built believe is the absolute best way to go about taking control of and improving one’s health. We also believe that this approach, and the foundational principles involved, will help anyone to improve in any area of their life.…
Elf on the Shelf. Why the huge success? How knowing this can improve your health & life.
CHRISTMAS TIME!! I love Christmas time. This is my very favorite time of the year. I am like a little kid. I love to listen to Christmas music, look at lights, and watch the “classic” Christmas movies like: Rudolf; Frosty the Snowman; and we now include The Elf on the Shelf movie as one of…
Going into Companies teaching Health & Life principles. + New Research on how negativity affects Health
Check these 2 quotes from an article I read today that gave some notes on recent research: “Pessimism in general raises your risk of ill health. The most pessimistic had a 220 percent higher risk of dying compared to the most optimistic. They also had a 73 percent higher risk of lethal heart disease” “[T]here…
I decided to Say it Again! Best way to handle Holidays for Health & Life Improvement
Oh what a great day today! Thank you Lord for the rain!! Ye baby! You know sometimes I feel like I am saying the same things over and over to the point that I should not say “those things” anymore maybe because people are getting tired of hearing it. Yet I remember a very good…
The BEST approach to Improving Your Health, and Life!
Friends and neighbors I have been studying more into the whole “spirit, soul, body” approach to fitness. As you know, this is the approach we use here at God-Built and have used since day 1. And now I am convinced more than ever that this is the best way to approach improving your health! I…
How hard is it to control your MIND? & Why and When to MOVE?
GB Inspiration- Your Mind is simply a TOOL that God gave you. Your Mind, one of your tools, is a very powerful Tool. It is your job to take control of that Tool and use it to Steer your health and your life in the direction you want it to go. **And it is as…
Inspiration, Motivation, Nutrition, Exercise!! Get it all!
GB Inspiration- Never Give up! No matter how many times you may seem to fail, never stop expecting. Never give up on your dreams and goals. Never except less than His best for you. Although sometimes it may seem like it is too hard, and or not possible at all, DONT GIVE UP. Believe The…