Your Encouraging Word for the day!
GB DW 5,10,15,20 Squats, Pushups, Supercrunch. *do 5 of each, then 10, 15, and 20 reps of each Max Walkn lunge in 3 minutes Check out these 1 Leg Power Hops being done with awesomeness this morning here at GB. We are blessed to be able to work with one of the local Baseball teams. …
Snow Days. Effort. Fun Memories. Worth it!
GB DW Movement Stretches x 7 15 x squats, pushups Max reps of Squat Press (dbs or bb) in 4 min Here is a pic from several years ago of me and the boys cutting up on the golf cart in the snow. Maybe we will get 1 or 2 good Snows this year! Ye…
Should you RUN?
GB DW Movement Stretches x 8 Max Rds in 4 min: 5 Situps, 5 Pushups, 5 Squats Check out some good “Running” going on during one of our GB Superfit workouts. We like “Running” as it is a great Exercise to use in our Interval workouts, and heck it is just FUN! Well maybe its…
MOVE Now, or wait until the “company challenge” to Get Started?
GB DW For 8+ Minutes, Jog/Run 1 min then walk for 1 min Here is David Ben doing some Front Squats with a pvc pipe. I posted this before and just think it is pretty neat. I tried to show him how to do the front squats, then he basically said “here dad I can…
“Natural” Cure / Help for Sore Throat / Strep
GB DW (daily workout) 17 x squats, pushups, xcrunch 3-5 rds: 14 DB Swings, 14 Pushup Shoulder Stand (7r,7l), 14 Leg Tucks This is the picture I sent to one of my clients recently who said they had a child with “strep” throat. This is “all natural” “raw” apple cider vinegar, honey, and sea salt. …
Gettin’ on it dog’on it in his 70’s!!
GB DWs (weekend workouts) Choose 1-2 for the Weekend: 1. Movement Stretches x 9 1,2,3,4,…. Burpee, Situp. *Go as far as you can in 6 minutes. Do 1 burpee, 1 situp. Then do 2 burpees, 2 situps. Keep going in ascending order. 2. 10+ Min – Walk, run, Bike, Row, Jrope, etc Check out DT…
What health changes you can make at “your ” age.
GB DW (daily workout) 7 – 10 Rds for Fastest Time: 5 Pushups, 5 Leg Tucks, 5 Squats Check out me and my Beautiful amazing Hot wonderful wife! We are blessed and walk in His Grace everyday, and expect to continue to thrive for many many many more years! We both are now in our…
You want JOY in your life? Of course you do!
GB DW 7 Rds of 30:30 – for 7 rounds, go at a medium to intense pace for 30 seconds of work, then go at a slow recovery pace for 30 seconds. You can Run, Bike, Row, JRope, or even BURPEES! Check out the big GB Hummer! I had always wanted a Hummer H2 as…
Key Points for Exercise, for Everyone!
GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 11 20 x pushup, squats Max Reps in 4 min: Clean Squat Press (use dbs or bb) Here is a good pic of 2 of our youth GB Athletes doing some TECHNIQUE Training last week. With all our athletes we do throw high Intensity stuff at them pretty…
You will face adversity either way. So choose to WIN.
GB DW 20, 15, 10, 5 – Walkn Lunge, Leg Tucks. *Do 20 reps of each, then 15, 10, 5 These are my latest CJ builds. The orange one is a 1981 CJ8 Scrambler, and the yellow one is a 1982 CJ7 Laredo. You have probably read here on godbuilt.com some of my posts about…