Author: KJ

  • Focus on this = Health Improvements made easier

    Focus on this = Health Improvements made easier

    GB DW (daily workout) 16 reps each: Walkn Lunge, Pushup, Pushup Leg Tuck 15, 10, 5- 1 Arm overhead Walkn Lunge.  *Do 15 rt arm overhead lunges, then 15 lft arm overhead lunges.  Then d0 10 of each, 5 of each. This young man in the picture has been working with us here at God-Built…

  • Using your MOUTH for Healthier Eating.

    Using your MOUTH for Healthier Eating.

    GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 16 Max Pushup Shoulder Stand in 3 minutes Here is a quick, simple, and nutritious meal I made one evening for dinner (supper if you are down in Garfield): 3 Eggs over medium, 1 whole Avocado.  This meal is full of good protein, fat, vitamins and minerals!  When it…

  • 4 Principles for Health and Life Success!

    4 Principles for Health and Life Success!

    GB DW 16 x squat, pushup superman, Xcrunch 30/50 (r,l=1) 1 arm db alternating Snatch Check out some youth GB Athletes doing some Power Clean and Press from a while back.  This is an exercise that I love for overall power, coordination, stability, and fitness.  Remember these Simple Principles for Health and Fitness: Exercise/Move on a regular basis, even if…

  • “Improvise” and overcome like DB!

    “Improvise” and overcome like DB!

    GB DW (daily workout) 3 Min: Jog/Run n Place/ Jrope 1 Min max reps of each: Squats, Pushups, Situps Check out David Ben “improvising” at the skating rink this past Saturday.  It was Joshua Paul’s 10th Birthday party and David Ben decided he wanted to skate but quickly figured out he didnt like falling, so he improvised!  I…

  • KEEP MOMENTUM with just a little Effort!

    KEEP MOMENTUM with just a little Effort!

    GB DWs Choose 1-2 for Weekend Movement Stretches x 10 before each workout 1. 10, 15, 20, 25 reps x DB swing, XCrunch (do 10 reps of each, then 15, then 20, then 25.) 2. 10 x 100 yd sprint- Reps 1-2 @50%, 3-4 @ 75%, 5-10 @ 90% Rest 1-2 minutes between sprints Here…

  • Let me share my heart with you. And maybe help you!

    Let me share my heart with you.  And maybe help you!

    GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 9 Max Pushup DB Rows in 4 minutes Check out some of our GB members doing some “Running” drills at our lunch group SuperFit workout today!  We did about 10 minutes of “speed, agility” drills and I think it was more than they expected as far as energy…

  • JP’s 10th Birthday. Family Walk. Cj Ride!

    JP’s 10th Birthday.  Family Walk.  Cj Ride!

    GB DW (daily workout) 10 reps x all Exercises – Squats, Pushup, Situp, Burpee, Xcrunch, Lunge, Power Clean, Squat Press, Burpee, Overhead WLunge Check out Joshua Paul in the big CJ7 this morning.  Today is my little man’s 10th BIRTHDAY!  We were taking the boys to school this morning.  LeAnne was driving the “new” 4…

  • WebMD Top 7 Exercises.

    WebMD Top 7 Exercises.

    GB DW 3 Min Walk/Run Max Rounds in 5+ minutes: 10 x squat, Pushup, Lunge, BO Row, Crunches I just googled “most effective exercises” as I have done many times over the years.  One of the top hits that came up, and I read, was from WebMD and their top 7 Best Exercises recommended by…

  • Starting a Diet: What to Do & What NOT To Do.

    Starting a Diet: What to Do & What NOT To Do.

    GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 7 1,2,3,4,…. For 5/7 minutes: Pushup Superman (r,l=1), XCrunch, Leg Tuck *Do 1 rep of each, then 2 of each, then 3, and so on.  Go as far as you can in 5 or 7 minutes Here is a pic of what I would call a near “perfect…

  • TECHNIQUE: How important is it really?

    TECHNIQUE: How important is it really?

    GB DW (daily workout) Run/Walk/JRope/ Bike/ Row for 7+ minutes This is a great pic of 2 GB Trainers working out a while back, Sam & Jack.  Actually neither of them are currently coaching here at our GB Carrollton location, but I know that they are carrying out there “GB coaching” whereever they are!  I am…