Author: KJ

  • Use this SUMMER as a tool to PROGRESS!

    Use this SUMMER as a tool to PROGRESS!

    GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 11 6 min Run/Jrope/bike/ Row Check out “big Murph”!  We talked about Murphy a couple of times last year.  He trained with us last summer, getting ready for his first year of college football.  He worked his butt off, and reaped great rewards for all his consistent Effort! …

  • Youth GAME SHAPE Summer Camps Coming Up!!

    Youth GAME SHAPE Summer Camps Coming Up!!

    GB DW (daily workout) 3 rounds of 20 x SuperCrunch, Superman (pushup position, or from knees), Bridge 50 x all: PowerClean, Pushup Row (50 rt, lft) This is a pic from one of our GAME SHAPE Youth Summer Camps 2-3 years ago.  We always have great summer camps!  And yes the camps are for boys and…

  • K.J.’s Controversial Response

    K.J.’s Controversial Response

    GB DWs (daily workouts for your Weekend) Choose 1-2 1. 15 x squat, pushup, wlunge, leg tucks. 50 x Clean Squat Press (dbs or barbell) 2. Movement Stretches x 8 Max rounds n 7 min: 50 Jumpin Jacks, 25 Situps Someone emailed me today wanting some advice.  They wanted to know what I would recommend…

  • The Power YOU have over your Health! Good News!

    The Power YOU have over your Health!  Good News!

    GB DW (daily workout) 7+ Min- Fast Walk / Run / Jump Rope / combo of any Check out Joshua Paul Striding up the hill in the neighborhood the other day.  He loves to get off and “run” when we ride around the neighborhood on the golf cart.  It is pretty funny because he wants…

  • More Info for dropping BodyFat QUICK!

    More Info for dropping BodyFat QUICK!

    GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 15 In the pic is a great example of a healthy, and bodyfat loss promoting Dinner Meal: Meat and 2+ servings of multi color vegetables.  If you will follow this General Guide for 1-2 of your meals per day, you can make very good “Internal” and External physical changes. …

  • This “Diet” works wonders for Fat Loss & Weight Loss

    This “Diet” works wonders for Fat Loss & Weight Loss

    GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 8 1-3 rounds: 1 Min max reps of each exercise.  No Rest between exercises or rounds Squats, Pushups, XCrunch In the pic is Joshua Paul’s Clif Bar with some “added Sunflower Seeds”.  He loves sunflower seeds, and he loves Clif Bars.  So I guess it makes sense that…

  • Take “Cheese”, drop the e’s, Change your LIFE!

    Take “Cheese”, drop the e’s, Change your LIFE!

    GB DW (daily workouts) Choose 1-2 for Weekend: Before Each Workout- Movement Stretches x 10 1. Max Burpees in 6 minutes! 2. 1 Min Jog, 1 Min Half Speed Sprint, then 10-15 100 meter Sprints with 45 seconds rest between each Check out DB Rock Star!  He is a cool dude!  Have a great weekend! …

  • How Samuel Got so durn STRONG!

    How Samuel Got so durn STRONG!

    GB DW (daily workout) 20 x squat, pushup shoulder stand, spidercrawl, inch worm Max DB Swings in 4 min Check out Samuel!  Samuel started working out with us here at God-Built when he was a either a junior or senior in high school.  He had no background in team sports or strength training.  The one…

  • Great Tip from one of the greatest Fitness “gurus” of our time!

    Great Tip from one of the greatest Fitness “gurus” of our time!

    GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 8 Run / Bike 10+ minutes or Max Rounds in 10 min- 20 squats, 20 pushups, 20 wlunges, 20 supercrunch Check out the boys having a big time last summer in our neighborhood pool.  Bring on the spring / summer time baby! I was reading a magazine today…

  • Who is Your BUNKER BUDDY?!

    Who is Your BUNKER BUDDY?!

    GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 9 30/50 Reps x each Exercise for Best Time.  Do in any order you choose:  Squats, Pushups, XCrunch, WLunge, Leg Tucks, Side to Side Hops, Alt. Shoulder Stands, Situps Check out the boys at the Georgia Aquarium.  Some of our very good friends gave us a family pack of tickets. …