Go “Back n Time” to see how Good HE has been to you.
GB DW (daily Workout) 10 Squats, 10 Pushups, 10 Leg Tucks, 10 Situps 5 Minute Max Reps – Burpees We went to Charleston this past weekend for a family wedding. Me, LeAnne, Aunt Lisa, cousin Ben Ben, Mamma (cool woman with the shades and red GB jacket), cousin Merideth, cousin in-law Justin all went to…
HE knows WHO and WHAT is inside you!!
GB DW (daily Workout) 21 Squats, 21 Pushups, 21 Situps Max Pushup Rows n 3 Minutes – **shoot for minimum of 50 each arm! Check out what we found the boys doing yesterday. As LeAnne called it: REDNECK BOBSLEDDING! They basically had their snow sled laying on top of a skate board and they were having the…
Good Good Good stuff about you!
GB DW (daily Workout) Movement Stretches x 10 each 4 rounds, no rest between rounds – 20r,20l X Crunch, 20r, 20l Superman from knees or toes We are blessed to have so many Great Clients here at God-Built! Man we are Blessed. God is so good to us. He loves us so much. We have…
Dont Accept “the norm”! NO, dont do it!
GB DW (Daily Workout) 3 Minutes Walkn / Joggn / Movement Stretches Perform as Many Rounds as you can in 5 Minutes, 7 Minutes, or 10 Minutes 20 Squats, 20 Pushups, 2o Lunges, 20 Supercrunch Check out THE TISINGERS Gettin on it dog’on it!! These 2 have been loyal clients, members, and friends for us…
Your CHALLENGE for this Weekend: Change your life Forever!
DW (daily Workout) Perform 1+ Workouts thruout the Weekend 1. 20+ Minute Walk / Run (with Family) 2. Max Pushups n 3 minutes, Max Leg Tucks n 3 minutes. 3. For Time- 40 Pushup rows (40r, 40l) David Ben is hanging out in the office with me right now. Check him out in his GEORGIA…
How JP teaches us that IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE FUN, TO BE FUN!
DW (daily Workout) 3 Minute Warmup – Fast Walk / Jog / Movement Stretches 5 or 7 rounds with 30 seconds rest between rounds Run 100 / 200 meters, 15 / 30 Pushups *U run 100 or 200 meters then drop and Perform 15 or 30 Pushups, rest 30 seconds then repeat for the total…
DW (daily Workout) Movement Stretches x 10+ each 2-3 Mile Walk/Run (optional) I like to post NUTRITION Reminders for you from time to time since NUTRITION plays a pretty big role in improving your health, and life! And that is why I chose the PIC for today of the Nutrition Bars. Now granted, and just…
Topic for what I spoke on Sunday!
DW (daily Workout) Warmup – 20 squats, 20 pushups, 20 walkn lunges Max Power Cleans n 3 minutes Max X Crunch n 2 minutes Our FIREPLACE and Outdoor Kitchen / Area is almost completed. The Fireplace is finished except for the cap. As you can see from the picture The Johnson’s enjoyed it this weekend…
Big MUD RUN coming up for Charity! Great Opportunity.
DW (daily Workout) Choose 1 per day for Friday, Saturday, Sunday. 1. Max Squats n 4 minutes 2. Max Distance Running or Fast Walking in 7 minutes 3. Max Pushups n 3 minutes, Max Situps n 3 minutes I have posted this “MUD” pic of Joshua Paul before. The reason I am posting it again…
“Messing Up” does not + InConsistency!! Really?!
DW (daily Workout) Movement Stretches x 10 each Complete in the fastest time 50, 75, or 100 reps each of: Walking Lunge Steps (1 step =1 rep), Overhead Dumbbell Press. Complete the Reps in any order you choose Check out our FLYING ATHLETE! This is one of our young Athletes doing some BOX JUMPS. It…