The Main Constant that Gets Results!
GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 10 30 / 50 Alt. Pushup Rows (rt, lft = 1) 50 / 100 Situps Check out our early morning 5:15am group going at it! In this shot, there are many different movements being performed at different levels of work output. The main CONSTANT is that Everyone is…
Wise to do this for Better Health and Life!!
GB DW (daily workouts) Choose 2-3 for your Weekend! 1. 3-5 rds of: Run 1 min, squats 1 min, pushups 1 min 2. Movement Stretches x 8 Max DB Swings n 4 minutes 3. Jog 3 minutes. Then perform 34 / 43 1 arm overhead walking Lunges with rt and lft arm. Every time you…
Make Eating out at Mexican Restaurants Healthier!
GB DW (daily workout) 3 rds x 10 squats, 10 pushups, 10 situps 50 x Power Clean & Press (use dumbbells or barbell) In the pic you will see an example of one of my highest recommended meals: Meat and 2+ servings of vegetables. And of course for me, KETCHUP. Ye ye, I know, it…
Just Believe! & Change your LIFE!
GB DW (daily workout) Walk/Run/Jog/Bike for 10+ minutes I believe I have posted this pic before but it is so cool I decided to go ahead and post it up again! Here you have 2 GB athletes doing some Burpee Box Jumps. Good stuff. Here you go again, some more Simple steps to choose to…
GOD-BUILT Workouts. You can do it! Yes you can!
GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 8 each 50/100 Walkn Lunges, 50/100 Mnt Climbers First I just want to say thank you to the Good Lord on this holiday in celebrating Martin Luther King Jr and all his efforts and the many others who did so much to help bring CHANGE, and equality for all people in…
The Best Health Program / Plan
GB DW (daily workout) 10 x all- squats, pushups, walkn lunges, supercrunch 30/50/70 Burpees Check out the “flying David Ben” in the pic. This is from 2-3 years ago at the beach. I saw this pic and thought it might give you a good laugh and maybe warm you up a little too from thinking about…
Nutrition BARS. To Eat or Not To Eat?
GB DW Movement Stretches x 8 3-5 rounds for Fastest Time 10r, 10l 1 Arm Alt. Snatch, 20 Leg Tucks Here is a pic of some of my favorite Nutrition Bars. And yes you may have seen this pic, or another one of “recommended” Nutrit Bars, several times before, but it is only because I…
Your Actions Do NOT determine who you are!?!
GB DW (daily workout) Jump Rope / Jog 5 minutes Max Pushups n 2 minutes Max Lunges n 2 minutes Check out 4 of our youth athletes doing some 1 arm overhead press. They are looking strong, and getting stronger! We have truly been blessed to work with many youth over the years. One of…
Dont Take that sitting down!! Heck NO!
GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 7 each For Best Time: 2-3 rds of 30 reps each – Pushup Shoulder Stand, Squat Jumps, Supercrunch Garrison is a UWG athlete who has a possible opportunity to play at the next level. In this pic he is doing some 1 Leg Ladder Drills for footwork, coordination, and stability. Garrison…
Your Weekend Tips for Better Health & Life
GB DWs (daily wouts) Choose 1-2 for your awesome Weekend! Movement Stretches x 7 each before each workout. 1. Jog / Run at medium pace for 3 minutes. Then perform 10-12 x 100 yd Sprints. Rest 45 seconds between each sprint 2. 3 Minute Jump Rope / Run, 2 Minute Pushups, 2 Minute Walking Lunges,…