Category: Daily Post

  • Making Better Nutrition Choices. Keep it Simple for YOU.

    Making Better Nutrition Choices.  Keep it Simple for YOU.

    GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 10 each 7-10 rds 30-30 (30 seconds max work / reps, 30 seconds rest) of BURPEES! Check out the pic of a good Lunch meal I had some time back.  Actually I made something similar last night and forgot to take a picture of it for you,  so here…

  • When is the Best Time to Get Started?

    When is the Best Time to Get Started?

    GB DW Fast as you can, Perform 1 rep of each exercise, then 2 reps each, then 3, and so on until you reach 10.  *you can go higher if want to! 1,2,3,4,….10 Pushup Leg Tuck, Xcrunch (r,l=1), Squat Press w/ dbs or barbell This is a pic from our 5:15am workout group this morning. …

  • 4 Best Carbs to Eat for better Health

    4 Best Carbs to Eat for better Health

    GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 8 each 1o Intervals of 30 sec on, 30 sec off  – Run / Jump Rope / Cardio machine / Row Machine Here is a picture from one of our morning SuperFit workouts.  Good stuff.  These GB members are “staying on it dog’on it”! Check out what one Nutrition “expert”,…

  • Get Started. Get the DIVIDENDS!

    Get Started.  Get the DIVIDENDS!

    GB DW (daily workout) 2-4 rounds of 1 min Max Reps of each exercise: Squat, Pushup, Walkn Lunge, Situp rest 30 seconds between each exercise.  Rest 1.5 min between rounds.  **Do your absolute best to get absolutely as many reps as you can for each exercise, each set! This is a cool pic of DT,…

  • MAKING it a Great year! Get on it, Stay on it!

    MAKING it a Great year!  Get on it, Stay on it!

    GB DW (daily workouts) Perform 1-3 of the following: 1. Run n Place / Jump rope 2 min,  50/100 of each- Squats, Pushups, Walkn Lunges, Situp / Supercrunch 2. Run / jump Rope / Bike or Cardio Machine- 3 minutes at a medium pace, then do 5 rounds of 1 min high intensity, 1 min…

  • Blessed to live in the USA. Thanks Carlos!!

    Blessed to live in the USA.  Thanks Carlos!!

    GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 8 each Max rounds n 6 minutes: 15 Situps, 15r, 15l Jumping or Alternating Lunges. This is Cisco, one of our friends and members here at GB, and his cousin Carlos.  Carlos is serving in the US Army!  I had the pleasure of meeting him this past Saturday. …

  • How to FINISH STRONG, still. AND Make 2015 great.

    How to FINISH STRONG, still.  AND Make 2015 great.

    GB DW (daily workout) 10, 9, 8, 7,…..1 – DB Swing, Pushup Leg Tuck, 100 Jump Rope Do 10 DB swings, 10 Pushup Leg Tucks, then 100 Jump Rope.  Then do 9 DB Swings, 9 Pushup Leg tucks, and 100 Jump Rope.  Keep going in “descending” order until you finish with 1 rep of each,…

  • MERRY CHRISTMAS – keep finishing Strong!

    MERRY CHRISTMAS – keep finishing Strong!

    GB DWs (daily workouts) Choose 2+ for your Christmas Holidays!! Movement Stretches x 8 each before every workout 1.Max Burpees n 6 / 8 minutes 2. Max Rounds n 7 minutes of: 10 Pushup Leg Tucks, 10 Squat Jumps, 10 Xcrunch 3. Run for Max Distance in 10 minutes / Jump Rope max reps n 10…

  • GET EXCITED! Its Christmas time!

    GET EXCITED!  Its Christmas time!

    GB DW (daily workout) 100 Jumping Jacks 50 Reps of Each for Best Time: Squat, Pushup, Leg Tucks, X crunch, Walkn Lunges Ok here is another Johnson Family Christmas pic we took right before taking off to Atlanta Sunday for a fun Christmas Day.  Man we had fun.  We went ice skating at the Olympic…

  • Merry Christmas to you!

    Merry Christmas to you!

    GB DW (daily workout) For as Long as you can, Do 1 Burpee every 10 seconds for the first minute, then 1 Burpee every 5 seconds for the remainder of Time.  Go as far as you can! MERRY CHRISTMAS!  Here is our Christmas family pic for you.  Man I am blessed with such a beautiful…