Making Better Nutrition Choices. Keep it Simple for YOU.
GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 10 each 7-10 rds 30-30 (30 seconds max work / reps, 30 seconds rest) of BURPEES! Check out the pic of a good Lunch meal I had some time back. Actually I made something similar last night and forgot to take a picture of it for you, so here…
When is the Best Time to Get Started?
GB DW Fast as you can, Perform 1 rep of each exercise, then 2 reps each, then 3, and so on until you reach 10. *you can go higher if want to! 1,2,3,4,….10 Pushup Leg Tuck, Xcrunch (r,l=1), Squat Press w/ dbs or barbell This is a pic from our 5:15am workout group this morning. …
4 Best Carbs to Eat for better Health
GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 8 each 1o Intervals of 30 sec on, 30 sec off – Run / Jump Rope / Cardio machine / Row Machine Here is a picture from one of our morning SuperFit workouts. Good stuff. These GB members are “staying on it dog’on it”! Check out what one Nutrition “expert”,…
Get Started. Get the DIVIDENDS!
GB DW (daily workout) 2-4 rounds of 1 min Max Reps of each exercise: Squat, Pushup, Walkn Lunge, Situp rest 30 seconds between each exercise. Rest 1.5 min between rounds. **Do your absolute best to get absolutely as many reps as you can for each exercise, each set! This is a cool pic of DT,…
MAKING it a Great year! Get on it, Stay on it!
GB DW (daily workouts) Perform 1-3 of the following: 1. Run n Place / Jump rope 2 min, 50/100 of each- Squats, Pushups, Walkn Lunges, Situp / Supercrunch 2. Run / jump Rope / Bike or Cardio Machine- 3 minutes at a medium pace, then do 5 rounds of 1 min high intensity, 1 min…
Blessed to live in the USA. Thanks Carlos!!
GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 8 each Max rounds n 6 minutes: 15 Situps, 15r, 15l Jumping or Alternating Lunges. This is Cisco, one of our friends and members here at GB, and his cousin Carlos. Carlos is serving in the US Army! I had the pleasure of meeting him this past Saturday. …
How to FINISH STRONG, still. AND Make 2015 great.
GB DW (daily workout) 10, 9, 8, 7,…..1 – DB Swing, Pushup Leg Tuck, 100 Jump Rope Do 10 DB swings, 10 Pushup Leg Tucks, then 100 Jump Rope. Then do 9 DB Swings, 9 Pushup Leg tucks, and 100 Jump Rope. Keep going in “descending” order until you finish with 1 rep of each,…
MERRY CHRISTMAS – keep finishing Strong!
GB DWs (daily workouts) Choose 2+ for your Christmas Holidays!! Movement Stretches x 8 each before every workout 1.Max Burpees n 6 / 8 minutes 2. Max Rounds n 7 minutes of: 10 Pushup Leg Tucks, 10 Squat Jumps, 10 Xcrunch 3. Run for Max Distance in 10 minutes / Jump Rope max reps n 10…
GET EXCITED! Its Christmas time!
GB DW (daily workout) 100 Jumping Jacks 50 Reps of Each for Best Time: Squat, Pushup, Leg Tucks, X crunch, Walkn Lunges Ok here is another Johnson Family Christmas pic we took right before taking off to Atlanta Sunday for a fun Christmas Day. Man we had fun. We went ice skating at the Olympic…
Merry Christmas to you!
GB DW (daily workout) For as Long as you can, Do 1 Burpee every 10 seconds for the first minute, then 1 Burpee every 5 seconds for the remainder of Time. Go as far as you can! MERRY CHRISTMAS! Here is our Christmas family pic for you. Man I am blessed with such a beautiful…