Can you See it before you see it?!
friends and neighbors You know, when it comes down to it, it does not matter how many times you seemingly fail or lose. What matters is if you choose to keep getting back up and going. ANd on top of that make sure each time you get back up and going, you fully expect to…
Just a minor adjustment can be all you need!
Friends and neighbors Me and Kendra were talking this morning and discussing “BASICS”. ONe of the main issues concerning Basics that we were talking about was the fact that it does all come back to basics, and it usually is most important to focus only on changing a few things at first when looking to…
Some “high energy” kids @ God-Built
Friends and neighbors I have a whole bunch of high energy kids in here at God-Built right now. They are getting ready for our Game Shape program to start in a few minutes. Man they are a pure joy to have over here. And again, they are HIGH ENERGY. It is amazing to watch these…
I conquered Goliath, so I thought
Friends and neighbors We went to Chucky Cheese!!! It was Joshua Paul’s 6th Birthday last friday. We took him and David Ben to Chucky Cheese for fun and games, then after that he got to go pick out a new video game for his DS. He had a blast and got a new game he…
Can exercise really help in the fight against heart disease and cancer?
Friends and neighbors Today is a great day. Today is Joshua Paul’s birthday and he is 6. He is excited cause we are going to have some fun tonight for his birthday! Woohoo! I am sure you know that exercise is great for you. We all know this to some extent, and the evidence just…
Are you actions tied to your emotions?
Friends and neighbors Remember this very true and important fact as concerning your health: Your thoughts render emotions. Your emotions then render certain actions. Your actions sooner or later will produce negative or positive results in your health. This process is something we all go through in life. One thing you must understand though is…
One of the 1st steps to better health and life!
Friends and neighbors I had a meeting this morning and sharing our health and life programs with a potential corporate partner. I shared with them basically who we are and what we do here at God-Built, and how we can help their employees to take control of their health and their life. One of the…
Artificial Sweeteners:is there a price?!
Friends and neighbors I want you to definitely go to this link, http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/09/20/why-are-millions-of-americans-getting-this-synthetic-sweetener-in-their-drinking-water.aspx?e_cid=20110920_DNL_art_1 , and check out more info on the artificial sweetener sucralose. You have heard me preach about the dangers of artificial sweeteners many times before. This will give you some more definite info. A big part of the article discusses how now…
Best way to get rid of stress, fear, sadness
Friends and neighbors You know, God is pretty smart. Of course that is a huge understatement. He set things up in a unique way so that when we follow His ways, we get results. One thing that is so neat to me is a way He set it up for us to “get over” our own…
Worry = Sick
Friends and neighbors I had lunch today with a friend. He mentioned to me that one of his family members was sick and also that this person was a big “worrier.” Then he asked me if I thought their sickness could have something to do with all their worrying. I said of course it could,…