Author: KJ

  • Link between emotions & learning – Easy Formula

    Friends and neighbors I was reading an article by a clinical pshycologist about the connection between emotions and learning.  It was very interesting.  Basically the conclusion was that negative thinking brought negative emotions and actually “shuts down” the pathway for learning, or at least stifles it greatly.  ON the other hand, positive thinking brought positive emotions…

  • Having problems?, Start Thanking HIM

    Friends and neighbors We all have problems and adverse situations we face in life.  Some of this is just “life” and a part of living in this world.  Some of it though, I believe, comes from an outside force that is determined to get you to stop believing and expecting God’s best in your health…

  • Fear came and I hollered!

    Friends and neighbors I was going down the road yesterday hollering! Why in the world was I hollering?!  Well I was encouraging myself in the Lord, as The Word said that David did.  I had a situation I was worrying about and had let my thoughts go down the wrong path.  I grabbed myself and…

  • Your 1st Finish Strong Info – Grains = INflammation

    Friends and neighbors FINISH STRONG!!  Remember this is our focus for the next 2 months, to Finish this year off Strong.  There are many areas we will be focusing on and many helpful ideas I will be giving you over the next 2 months.  One of course will be Nutrition.  One of the easiest and…


    Friends and neighbors It is November and we only have 2 months left of this wonderful year.  Let me just tell you what our focus is going to be for the rest of this year: FINISH STRONG!!!  Yeh baby.  And that is what we are going to do, yes me and you.  We are going…

  • If you aint looking for EASY, then what should you be looking for?!

    Friends and neighbors We had Youth Day in church yesterday and they did this one skit where a girl was doing her “duty” and praying to God.  God, unexpected to her, started talking to her.  Of course it was one of our members that was up in the sound booth.  Joshua Paul asked me, “Daddy,…

  • Help to inspire more people!!

    Friends and neighbors I need some help here from you.  I want to know 2 things:  1.  What type of information do you look forward to getting the most from by way of our emails and posts?  2.  Knowing that the vision God has given us is literally “going into all the world teaching…

  • Be moved and die, dont be moved and live!

    Friends and neighbors One of my good friends was sharing a true story with me this morning.  Basically he shared that there were two groups of people who set out to reach a certain destination many years ago.  The two group leaders had the same goal but had 2 seperate plans for reaching there main goal.  Group…

  • They are getting results, so will you!

    Friends and neighbors We have had a great 2 months of our youth Game Shape program.  All the kids have made very good improvements in their overall fitness plus in their athletic mobility, speed, strength, and change of direction ability.  For the most part, they have all been coming consistently 2 days per week for…

  • Simple twist to get more vegetables in your diet

    Friends and neighbors LeAnne has started doing something with the boys that is pretty neat.  It is not anything fancy or new.  It is basically, just Basic.  So to add more for you for this month of BASICS, here is what she has started doing for better nutrition for our boys. She started adding a…