Simple Nutrition Trick to amp up your Results!
GB DW 20 Squats, 20 Pushups, 20 Leg Tucks Max Reps n 4 minutes – Squat Press w dumbbells or barbell This picture is from one of my favorite dinners: Deer meat, vegetable medley of zucchini, onions, squash, peppers, and fresh turnip greens. Man it was delicious and Nutritious. To follow the above described Meal…
To STRETCH is Good! What kind and when?!
GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 20 each! Check out the JOHNSON FAMILY! Man I have a beautfiful famiy! I am so Blessed! That is my Proverbs 31 woman, The Most Beautiful Woman in the world. And those are 2 Mighty Powerful Warriors for The Kingdom of God! And they are mighty handsome too. …
Another High Quality, Highly EFFECIENT Exercise
GB DW (daily workout) 10 Squats, 10 Pushups, 10 Situps, 10 Pushup Leg Tucks Max Reps n 4 minutes: Burpee Box Jump or Burpee Broad Jump Check out 2 GB athletes doing our “prescribed Exercise” for the GB DW today. This is called a “Burpee Box Jump“. Basically all you do is perform a good…
Before Starting a Exercise and Nutrition Plan, DO THIS!
GB DW (daily workout) 2 minutes – Jump Rope / Run n Place Max Reps n 1 minute of each Exercise. Take 20 seconds rest between exercises: Squat Jump, Hands Off Pushup, SuperCrunch, Burpees / Scissors (jumping lunges) Check out the boys at their Cub Scout campout this past weekend. It was some good FUN. …
The “Right” Time. The “Right” Program. Here it is!
GB DWs (daily workouts) Choose 2 -3 for your Weekend! 1. For 10 – 20 Minutes: Walk 1 Minute, Run 1 Minute 2. Complete 50 / 100 Reps of Each for Fastest Time: Pushup Leg Tuck, Lunges, Super Crunch 3. 30 / 60 / 90 Burpees This is a pic from one of our GB…
6 Basic Steps to Improve your Health
GB DW (daily workout) 5 rds for Fastest Time: 10/20 Squats, 10/20 XCrunch Check out our GB Athletes doing some Bag Pushes. They are GETTIN ON IT DOG’ON IT!! SHORT LIST OF BASIC THINGS TO REMEMBER TO IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH: 1. REALIZE GOD LOVES YOU AND BY JESUS STRIPES YOU ARE HEALED? 2. BE THANKFUL…
“Real World” Exercises can be Fun and Effective!
GB DW (daily workout) Do Max Reps / Distance of one of the following Exercises for 6 minutes: Jump Rope, Run, Bike, Row, or Burpees! Check out some of our young GB athletes doing some for sure different Exercises yesterday during one of our Sports Performance workouts! Now when I say “different” as it pertains to Exercise, I…
Find a Way to have some Fun with your Workouts!
GB DW (daily workout) 50 Jumping Jacks 35/50/70 Pushup Leg Tucks I love this picture here of some of our young GB Athletes doing a “non traditional” Exericse. We love to come up with different and fun drills to do. I will be the first to admit that we probably need to do this more. …
A Great picture of You!
GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 10 each 3 rds for Best Time: 14 / 28 Pushup Shoulder Stand 14 / 28 Leg Tucks 14 / 28 Scissors (jumping lunges) The “pic of you”! That is the picture you see there. That is a picture of who you are IN CHRIST. And that is only…
Micheal Jackson’s Billy Jean taught me something!
GB DW (daily workout) Run / Fast Walk 3-5 minutes Max Burpees n 3-5 minutes Run / Fast Walk 3-5 minutes Man check out this beautiful early morning sky I got a picture of while down in Garfield last week! That is beautiful. I was listening to the radio today and a song you may…