Category: Daily Post

  • If you aint looking for EASY, then what should you be looking for?!

    Friends and neighbors We had Youth Day in church yesterday and they did this one skit where a girl was doing her “duty” and praying to God.  God, unexpected to her, started talking to her.  Of course it was one of our members that was up in the sound booth.  Joshua Paul asked me, “Daddy,…

  • Help to inspire more people!!

    Friends and neighbors I need some help here from you.  I want to know 2 things:  1.  What type of information do you look forward to getting the most from by way of our emails and posts?  2.  Knowing that the vision God has given us is literally “going into all the world teaching…

  • Be moved and die, dont be moved and live!

    Friends and neighbors One of my good friends was sharing a true story with me this morning.  Basically he shared that there were two groups of people who set out to reach a certain destination many years ago.  The two group leaders had the same goal but had 2 seperate plans for reaching there main goal.  Group…

  • They are getting results, so will you!

    Friends and neighbors We have had a great 2 months of our youth Game Shape program.  All the kids have made very good improvements in their overall fitness plus in their athletic mobility, speed, strength, and change of direction ability.  For the most part, they have all been coming consistently 2 days per week for…

  • Simple twist to get more vegetables in your diet

    Friends and neighbors LeAnne has started doing something with the boys that is pretty neat.  It is not anything fancy or new.  It is basically, just Basic.  So to add more for you for this month of BASICS, here is what she has started doing for better nutrition for our boys. She started adding a…

  • Follow this list for a great weekend!

    friends and neighbors I fully expect that you are going to have a great weekend. Follow the checklist for a great one:  EXPECT to have a great one;  THINK AND SPEAK only those things that are worthy, kind, of good report;  LAUGH; RUN AND PLAY with your kids or friends; CONTROL your food, at least…

  • Move, Exercise, Workout – whatever you want to call it

    Friends and neighbors I am up here at God-Built with about 30 minutes before our Game Shape class starts.  Most of the kids get here right after school, 20-30 minutes early.  And they are literally wide open the whole time playing and having a great time.  Then we start our Game Shape workout which is…

  • Go “All Natural”, live in fear?!

    Friends and neighbors I was just reading an article today about commonly used chemicals in mattresses, pillows, and other furniture.  These chemicals are being used more and more because they are the best to help the manufacturers meet the “fire resistance” guidelines.  These chemicals can and do enter into our bodies and are proven to…

  • 85%+ of all Disease – Emotions play a part

    Friends and neighbors Check out this from the CDC that has been quoted by many researchers and authors: “..85% of all physical diseases have an emotional component;  ANd other experts claim that this number may be as high as 100%.” We all understand that emotions can bring life or death on our physical bodies, literally. …

  • 12 Cancer Prevention techniques – He is controversial

    Friends and neighbors Man me and the boys had a great weekend in Garfield.  They had a whole bunch of fun playing with their cousins and of course, riding tractors.  They both got to ride with “uncle Eric” on the big John Deere, plowing up peanuts.  ON friday night we built them a camp fire…