Follow this list for a great weekend!
friends and neighbors I fully expect that you are going to have a great weekend. Follow the checklist for a great one: EXPECT to have a great one; THINK AND SPEAK only those things that are worthy, kind, of good report; LAUGH; RUN AND PLAY with your kids or friends; CONTROL your food, at least…
Move, Exercise, Workout – whatever you want to call it
Friends and neighbors I am up here at God-Built with about 30 minutes before our Game Shape class starts. Most of the kids get here right after school, 20-30 minutes early. And they are literally wide open the whole time playing and having a great time. Then we start our Game Shape workout which is…
Go “All Natural”, live in fear?!
Friends and neighbors I was just reading an article today about commonly used chemicals in mattresses, pillows, and other furniture. These chemicals are being used more and more because they are the best to help the manufacturers meet the “fire resistance” guidelines. These chemicals can and do enter into our bodies and are proven to…
85%+ of all Disease – Emotions play a part
Friends and neighbors Check out this from the CDC that has been quoted by many researchers and authors: “..85% of all physical diseases have an emotional component; ANd other experts claim that this number may be as high as 100%.” We all understand that emotions can bring life or death on our physical bodies, literally. …
12 Cancer Prevention techniques – He is controversial
Friends and neighbors Man me and the boys had a great weekend in Garfield. They had a whole bunch of fun playing with their cousins and of course, riding tractors. They both got to ride with “uncle Eric” on the big John Deere, plowing up peanuts. ON friday night we built them a camp fire…
Visualization – You will have to see it before you see it
Friends and neighbors Someone sent me a funny picture this morning that reminded me of the power of visualization. Visualization is something that God has given you and me in order for us to use it to progress in life. Now look, dont discount this because you have heard it before. Please read on and…
Lower Back issues – Secret Technique for relief
Friends and neighbors I did a whole series on Low Back issues a few weeks ago. I hope it was beneficial to some, as I know many people deal with lower back problems on a day to day basis. In the series I went through all the complications I had in college and even up…
Your metabolic system vs. 800 lb Gorilla!!
Friends and neighbors I have a Nutrition Lunch and Learn presentation today, and I am very excited about it. I love to teach people powerful truths that can help them to literally take control of their health and life and make positive changes for the rest of their lives. On this note of nutrition, I…
Kid’s foods – 3 good pics
Friends and neighbors Me and the boys had a day of “messing around” on saturday. I told Joshua Paul that it was going to be just us “boys” and we would do some fun stuff together and he said: “Yeh Daddy. Girls are lazy and us boys we just do fun stuff.” He is at…
4 Basics for our BASICS Month – yeh baby!
Friends and neighbors Since we have determined this month to be our month for BASICS, I am going to give you a list of some of the most important Basics I know of for taking control of your health and life. Take these and let them become real to you. ANd of course have a…