Making NUTRITIOUS EATING more Doable!!
Here is another “Easy” and “Nutritious” Lunch option: Ground deer meat cooked in homemade pasta sauce and fresh Avocado! Good stuff and very easy to do. Remember these simple keys for making Nutritious Eating more “doable”: Buy easy to prepare and Nutritious food! I know this sounds like a no brainer, but sometimes we make…
Building an Outdoor Area much like Building your Health!
I always like a good pic with a campfire, and here are my 2 favorite little boys helping me with a campfire some time back. I was thinking about a “campfire” just now for 2 reasons: 1. I plan on having one for the boys tonite; 2. We are building a new outdoor patio with…
Can you get the RESULTS you want with only EXERCISE?!
Here is a pic of David Ben and Lucy at our pond looking for some minnows. Partners at work!! I was talking just a few minutes ago with some members here at God-Built about the importance of Nutrition as it concerns health. They actually brought up the conversation and went on to say that many…
This 1 change can = 40lbs of fat loss over 1 year!!
This is a super cool pic from the air show we took the boys to this past weekend. It was neat watching the skydivers “fly”, and especially this one bringing the flag too! Check out this info from BioTrust Nutrition, a Nutrition resource we use: “”Did you know than recent research from Harvard University revealed…
Some of My Favorite “Healthy” Foods
We took the boys to Little Vine Petting Zoo outside of Temple yesterday. Here is a pic of them with “Bambi”. This place was pretty neat with many different animals for the kids to see and “pet”. I would recommend this place if you live nearby. The boys had a great time! You know it. …
Very Ineffecient Workouts Produced Great Results??!!
Check out this great workout group here at God-Built doing a workout that consisted of several simple and powerful exercises including: I Arm Snatch; DB Swings; Leg Tucks; and best of all BURPEES! Good stuff right there! I was talking with a friend just the other day about specific Exercises and specific Workouts. We were…
Laugh. Laugh. Laugh. Have a big ole belly laugh!
Oh my goodness! Someone showed me this pic last night and i hollered! And now everytime I see it I cant stop laughing!! Man, I am still laughing!! Yes oh Yes, LAUGHTER is like Medicine for your body!! LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH! Find a way to laugh today. And if this pic doesnt do it for…
Me sitting next to a Celebrity! Thanks Danny for all the help!
Here is a pic of me with my friend and brother IN CHRIST, Danny Williams. Danny has been helping us with our “social media” here at God-Built by helping us to add to and improve godbuilt.com, and our brand on facebook and twitter. Danny has done a great job and we are very blessed to…
Using “short term” Motivators can be Good!
Here is an awesome pic of Joshua Paul from when he was probably 3 or 4. We went to the pond and he did a “Mud Run“! Seeing this pic made me think of the “Mud Runs” and other obstacle course type runs that are becoming more and more popular. These runs can be great…
I couldnt resist. I just had to post this pic again of the boys and their “Superhero” masks. There are some cool and “tuff” dudes! Here is you a simple Weekend Workout. You can do this over the course of Fri, Sat, and Sun, or you can combine it and complete all in 1 or…